Tag: Room 11

What Is Media?

5.12.22    Term 4 Week 8

What’s Media?

Today for Ako Hiko we were finding out what media is..  It was pretty fun and my favourite part about it was putting the picture and all of the photos around it. If you want to see more check out the slides I made.

A Little Rascal arriving at home.

3.11.22 Term 4 Week 3

A little Rascal

12th of August… It starting out as a normal day! I was hoping someone would be arriving today but my dad crushed those hopes. He was saying that the “Someone” would come tomorrow. But I was catching on to him. You see that “Someone” was in the hospital FOR A LONG, LONG, LONG, LONG TIME! I have been waiting for him ever since, he was in the hospital.


So, at around 8:30 we take off to school. Arrive at around 8:45 and play with my friends until 8:55. Lets fast forward to 12:40. My jaw was hurting SUPER bad. It was like a hammer was repeatedly hitting it!


I thought for a second… And decided to go to the sick bay. Business was done and my dad was on his way for me. He picked me up and he went to get some tape. After 5 minutes he was done and we launched off to home. Little did I know the biggest surprise was waiting for me…


I opened the door. I became a bit suspicious when my dad said that the “Someone” would be coming in two weeks even though he said before that he would be coming today! Any ways I was really happy to see my mom return from the hospital aswell! But that was the breaking point! 


I WENT IN THE LIVING ROOM AND FINALLY SAW HIM! He was sleeping in the crib! After two months, he was finally home.

Netball Games

Term 3 Week 6 2.9.22


Today we watched netball games. It was the last block and we had fun!

There were two games, one on the left and one on the right. At first we were sitting on the left side! It was a little boring but I was cheering on my classmates! Once I knew that we could move places I went to the right side!

I didn’t believe my eyes! There were adults/teachers! Right as I put my eyes on the court I saw Mr. Wikaira running on the right side then someone passed to him and then *DUNK*! He had such amazing skills. And then Mr.Henderson was going crazy!

At first the teachers were going really easy but then later on they were popping off! Even off the court we were having fun. Unfortunately one of my friends fell down and had a gruesome injury. I felt bad so I tried to help him up but an adult came and escorted him to the sick bay.

It was boring at times and fun at different times but overall my rating is a 7.5/10! It’s high but if my friend didn’t annoy me then it would’ve been a 9.21/10.

It’s time to do Gymnastics, Hello Tri Star Gym!

29.8.22 Term 3 Week 6

Tri Star Gymnastics

Flipping, swinging, jumping, balancing and a whole lot more! It sure was a fantastic time at Tri Star Gym. We went on a bus with tons of loud Year 5-6’s and Year -3-4’s! We (Room 11) went with Room 26 so it was even more of a hassle with some of those naughty kids. I’m just joking, but some of them were pretty cheeky!

Singing here and there, I got annoyed with “The Wheels on the Bus” song. They would just not stop!! At least the bus driver was nice and my friends were with me in the back.

Once we arrived people were excited, We were jumping around and getting growled at by the teachers! We went in and waited for 10 minutes so people were playing hand games with each other and exploring the place. I was wondering what I should do while we were waiting. It was pretty boring because all we would do is just repeatedly play hand games. I was waiting so I could get up and put my beanie back. 

One of the instructors then announced we could go in. It was like a stampede! People were running in but the teachers were stopping them and bringing them to the back of the line! I was 3rd in line and was pretty surprised…

Once we actually went in, people were jumping and running on the bouncy mat. An instructor said we are going to play a game. If she says motorway we run, if she says reverse then we walk backwards, if she says freeze we stop, if she says car crash we roll on the ground and if she says speed limit we walk. We all started running and then she said car crash, everyone immediately fell on the floor. It went silent… SPEED LIMIT!!!! It was like a walk in the park! Freeze!! If one muscle moves you will be out…

She then said “Sit down in the closest white line beside you”. I was in a group with some of my friends. We first went to a balancing test. I was scared because Balancing is kind of, not my thing! Once I went on to the beam… OH MY GOSH! IT WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EASY! I was standing on one foot for seconds! Then I progressed to this beam on the floor which we had to vault over. I actually liked the course because we could do tricks on the beams! At the end we had to jump on a mattress. I loved it.

Our instructor then told us to go to the next place. This was in my top 15 most fun courses that I have ever done!!!! There were trampolines, Swing’s and more. So we started with some rings that we had to swing on. Then we rolled on a blue parallelogram. Went on the Trampolines which was my favourite part. You can literally jump so high! Then the most exciting part! FOAM PIT!!!!!!! It wasn’t that fun but it was still cool.

Once we did it like 5 more times we went to the next level. It had a big wide range of equipment. We started on a circle thing that we had to stand on and then went to the other side. Then we had to do a back roll. Yeah, It was hard and I could not do it. So I decided to skip. And this next part had bars where we had to use our hands to go to the other side without touching the ground. After that my favourite part! Get off the floor because it is Lava! It was literally a red mat with objects that we had to step on in order to reach the other side. It was blazing hot with molten lava bubbling underneath me. I was scared but the “Brave and the Mighty Bas-… UGH, Fine! I was scared and I almost fell over because I was lazy but my sloppy personality didn’t get over me. I went across that pit 187 more ti- DUDE, Stop interrupting! Fine, I went across it 2 more times. Is that what you want to know??

Alright, that was a roller coaster of emotions but this one is going to hook you in! It was like a trampoline park. So on my first try I went on the tramps and jumped. Then we had to jump into hula – hoops. Whenever we did one round on the course we had to do a different way of jumping on the tramp! Star Jumps, Squats and backward jumps. I had a fun time and then they announced that we had to go back on the bus!

The way back on the bus felt quick and it was pretty fun! No singing and I had my family friend next to me. I looked out of the window and instantly we were at school! What a fun experience!

Smart Collaboration

18.8.22 Term 3 Week 4

Smart Collaboration


Collaborating is awesome. I love working in a group especially when doing animations. That’s exactly what I did today with my fellow friends Zake and Sami. We made an animation of somebody playing a game. Then in the game they became a pro. I got some screenshots and personally had a lot of fun.

Someone was sitting on a couch playing a stick man video game. It was kinda rushed but we had a good time collaborating. We gave suggestions to each other and commented on each other’s creations.

You can see my screenshots below. Give me some feedback and tips on collaborating.

The Ako Hiko Podcast

12.8.22 Term 2 Week 3

Faisal interviewing Me!

So yesterday I was on the Ako Hiko podcast. Faisal was interviewing me and we had a lot of fun! We asked questions, had some chats and talked about our hobbies. Overall I had a great time and we were really into it. If you want to see the Podcast scroll down to see it, and you can see Faisal’s blog page.

We had a whole script and I was a little bit confused at one point. It was way more complicated than I had thought and I was really overwhelmed. On our first “test try” we got a little bit of mistakes but when we did it one more time, Phil sure was impressed! I also was impressed with how confident we were. 

I decided to check out the Podcast and I saw people were commenting on the interview. People were saying how confident we were and how good we did. I totally agreed and was underestimating how much good feedback we would get.

I was really happy that I agreed to do the interview and would have regretted it if I hadn’t. I would be stuck doing maths ALL DAY! Doing nothing but sitting and talking. I was lucky Faisal got me out of that classroom!

I am just really grateful for Ako Hiko bringing me on to the Podcast. I am honoured to be on the podcast and I am super happy. THANKS TO YOU READING THIS TOO! Please give me feedback on my interview and check out other podcasts and Faisal’s blog! 


Faisal’s blog 


Cook Island Week



This Week was Cook Island Week! I was bored at the start but, I slowly started to pick up the enjoyment! It was really fun and I enjoyed it. I made a slide and an amazing video on my slide with some popping music! Enjoy it and give me some feedback.

Look at this fantastic ACROSTIC POEM!

15.6.22 Term 2 Week 7


Hello Everybody, hopefully you’re having a great, great GREAT DAY! I sure am because we started a new project called Making an ACROSTIC POEM. Our Learning Intention was (How to make an Acrostic Poem.) And the success criteria is…

1. Make a draft then put it on a slide

2. Put something you like in your background and then write your name in your language.

3. Put a photo of yourself and then make a screencastify. And I think it’s DONE.

Here’s the slide by the way! Once you see it give me some feedback in the comments! Remember 2 stars, 1 WISH.

My Tapa cloth looks so cool!

3.6.22 Week 5 Term 2

TAPA CLOTHS (We made a different one)

Yesterday we started working on our Tapa cloths. I had an idea in mind which was really cool! We had to make a Tapa cloth that had to relate to our flag, culture or religion. My idea was to write my gods name (Allah S.W.T) With colors and lines behind it, There were alot of patterns and it had some symbol of Symmetry.

I started with no courage because it was such a big project, I was going to put so much different colors and lines! I didn’t regret not giving up because it was so worth it! I started searching up “how to draw my gods name VERY VERY Beautifully. I then finally initialised the process. I had some setbacks and I finally finished. Then I started working on the background lines. It started to look good and then there was A CROOKED LINE! I was so angry but I just covered it up. It took around 10 minutes for the lines nad my hand felt like a rock then.

Now, the lines were finished so I showed my teacher. She said to color in the lines so I did. NOW THAT WAS THE MOST TIRING BIT. It took 30 minutes to finish so I put green, pink, red, brown, blue, purple and a lot more colours. Fast forward 30 minutes I was outlining with vivid. It was pretty easy but i had to get 3 pens. Most of them dried up but Then I finally finished the outlines. The pattern in the back is like glass that is cracked that shows different colours.

THE LIGER or just call him Michel Mulipola

31.5.22 Week 5 Term 2

THE LIGER/Illustrator

I had such a fun day today! NOT ONLY did we do toolkits but we met the man himself, MICHEL MULIPOLA!!! He has met so much famous people and he even plays a game that I love! TEKKEN 7. It’s a fun arcade game which is similar to street fighter. But I think it is better. (NOT ONLY) Is he an illustrator but he is also a wrestler. The name is The Liger. I know right, it sounds sick even though its renamed after a hybrid animal.

He came to the auditorium in our school and he talked to all of the senior team, Michel told us about his life and childhood heroes while growing up. I am surprised because he has met a whole LOT OF FAMOUS PEOPLE! Dwayne the rock Johnson’s mother, Samoa Joe and a whole lot of other people. His books are so cool and at first glance I loved them!

I saw a video on his channel and he has A GAMING PC, A PS5, A LAPTOP, SO MUCH MONITORS, AN IPAD, SO MUCH SCULPTURES FOR EXAMPLE AN INFINITY GAUNTLET. He even has a massage chair! He pulled up his bed revealing a secret gaming setup. I really think I can beat him in Tekken 7.