Tag: Gamer

THE LIGER or just call him Michel Mulipola

31.5.22 Week 5 Term 2

THE LIGER/Illustrator

I had such a fun day today! NOT ONLY did we do toolkits but we met the man himself, MICHEL MULIPOLA!!! He has met so much famous people and he even plays a game that I love! TEKKEN 7. It’s a fun arcade game which is similar to street fighter. But I think it is better. (NOT ONLY) Is he an illustrator but he is also a wrestler. The name is The Liger. I know right, it sounds sick even though its renamed after a hybrid animal.

He came to the auditorium in our school and he talked to all of the senior team, Michel told us about his life and childhood heroes while growing up. I am surprised because he has met a whole LOT OF FAMOUS PEOPLE! Dwayne the rock Johnson’s mother, Samoa Joe and a whole lot of other people. His books are so cool and at first glance I loved them!

I saw a video on his channel and he has A GAMING PC, A PS5, A LAPTOP, SO MUCH MONITORS, AN IPAD, SO MUCH SCULPTURES FOR EXAMPLE AN INFINITY GAUNTLET. He even has a massage chair! He pulled up his bed revealing a secret gaming setup. I really think I can beat him in Tekken 7.