WHAT TIME IS IT, Time for Tech!

7.6.22 Week 6 Term 2

Time For Tech.

Today we had visitors in the morning. My teacher talked us through and told us the expectations. I was listening closely and stood quietly. After 30 seconds of talking we lined up outside our class room and started to head off to the auditorium. It was SO FOGGY and I couldn’t see a thing 5 meters away. We have never had fog in New Zealand for so long so I was pretty surprised. Going through the fog, we arrived at the auditorium and sat down.

Our class was at the top with some other kids from room 12. Two people (Their names were Lucy and Cole) started going to different sides of the auditorium and asked two questions to different kids across the auditorium. The first question was (What is a gross food) and the second question was (Name a celebrity.) Cole came up to me and asked ‘Who is a good celebrity” I said The Rock at first but he told me ‘Someone already said that’. After that I said Quandale Dingle. He said he has never heard of it but he is famous in Youtube Shorts and Tiktok.

They then started a lecture about how food is getting low and how tech can help us with that. For example we could get a Robot that could fish for us, or pick crops for us. They were talking about these kinds of examples like meat, milk and different things. They picked out volunteers and I put my hand up straight away. The two chose a girl and everybody put their hands down. It was a little funny because they wore a different outfit and started the act

It was about the things on a cardboard sign. Sustainable agriculture or something and I forgot the other phrases. It was pretty boring at first but it got hyped up by kids shouting and I went with it. The next one was funny though. Another girl got chosen to be a volunteer and they said ‘You have to follow simple instructions.’ I put my hand up straight away but they chose a girl. They told her to pretend to make a sandwich. Once that phase was done we had a game of Tic Tac Toe, if my memory is right. A boy and a girl went up to play. Cole started explaining the instructions and the game was on! If they wanted to pick a square they needed to answer a question. Nobody won, it was a tie. And then after that game I could not really remember anything else.