Tri Star Gymnastics
Flipping, swinging, jumping, balancing and a whole lot more! It sure was a fantastic time at Tri Star Gym. We went on a bus with tons of loud Year 5-6’s and Year -3-4’s! We (Room 11) went with Room 26 so it was even more of a hassle with some of those naughty kids. I’m just joking, but some of them were pretty cheeky!
Singing here and there, I got annoyed with “The Wheels on the Bus” song. They would just not stop!! At least the bus driver was nice and my friends were with me in the back.
Once we arrived people were excited, We were jumping around and getting growled at by the teachers! We went in and waited for 10 minutes so people were playing hand games with each other and exploring the place. I was wondering what I should do while we were waiting. It was pretty boring because all we would do is just repeatedly play hand games. I was waiting so I could get up and put my beanie back.
One of the instructors then announced we could go in. It was like a stampede! People were running in but the teachers were stopping them and bringing them to the back of the line! I was 3rd in line and was pretty surprised…
Once we actually went in, people were jumping and running on the bouncy mat. An instructor said we are going to play a game. If she says motorway we run, if she says reverse then we walk backwards, if she says freeze we stop, if she says car crash we roll on the ground and if she says speed limit we walk. We all started running and then she said car crash, everyone immediately fell on the floor. It went silent… SPEED LIMIT!!!! It was like a walk in the park! Freeze!! If one muscle moves you will be out…
She then said “Sit down in the closest white line beside you”. I was in a group with some of my friends. We first went to a balancing test. I was scared because Balancing is kind of, not my thing! Once I went on to the beam… OH MY GOSH! IT WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EASY! I was standing on one foot for seconds! Then I progressed to this beam on the floor which we had to vault over. I actually liked the course because we could do tricks on the beams! At the end we had to jump on a mattress. I loved it.
Our instructor then told us to go to the next place. This was in my top 15 most fun courses that I have ever done!!!! There were trampolines, Swing’s and more. So we started with some rings that we had to swing on. Then we rolled on a blue parallelogram. Went on the Trampolines which was my favourite part. You can literally jump so high! Then the most exciting part! FOAM PIT!!!!!!! It wasn’t that fun but it was still cool.
Once we did it like 5 more times we went to the next level. It had a big wide range of equipment. We started on a circle thing that we had to stand on and then went to the other side. Then we had to do a back roll. Yeah, It was hard and I could not do it. So I decided to skip. And this next part had bars where we had to use our hands to go to the other side without touching the ground. After that my favourite part! Get off the floor because it is Lava! It was literally a red mat with objects that we had to step on in order to reach the other side. It was blazing hot with molten lava bubbling underneath me. I was scared but the “Brave and the Mighty Bas-… UGH, Fine! I was scared and I almost fell over because I was lazy but my sloppy personality didn’t get over me. I went across that pit 187 more ti- DUDE, Stop interrupting! Fine, I went across it 2 more times. Is that what you want to know??
Alright, that was a roller coaster of emotions but this one is going to hook you in! It was like a trampoline park. So on my first try I went on the tramps and jumped. Then we had to jump into hula – hoops. Whenever we did one round on the course we had to do a different way of jumping on the tramp! Star Jumps, Squats and backward jumps. I had a fun time and then they announced that we had to go back on the bus!
The way back on the bus felt quick and it was pretty fun! No singing and I had my family friend next to me. I looked out of the window and instantly we were at school! What a fun experience!